Your Opinion Matters

We value your feedback

The Hospice

Forest Holme Hospice, alongside the palliative care services at Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust, Lewis Manning Hospice Care and University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust have teamed up with independent website Care Opinion to make it easy for people to share their experiences in their own words online in a way which is safe, simple and anonymous.

Patients, and their families or friends, can share their story – giving feedback on what was good and/or what could have been better or perhaps didn’t work for them. In turn, we can respond to your stories directly. This more personalised approach has been shown to have a positive impact for both patients, their families and staff as well as having the potential to bring about change to improve the services for all.

Tell us your experience of our palliative care services at Forest Holme, whether it was recent or a few years ago Your story matters. We’re listening and ready to learn and engage with you to improve our services and bring about positive change to meet the needs of our patients and their families across the board – whether cared for at home, the hospice or hospital itself. So please simply click on this link to find out more and share your story.

Thank you for helping us – we look forward to hearing from you.

UK Commission on Bereavement Survey

The UK Commission on Bereavement has set up an online survey to improve the experience of bereavement and bereavement support.

If you’ve experienced bereavement within the past 3 years, they would love to hear from you, while feedback from a professional perspective is also very welcome.

The Hospice

If there is an aspect of care or service at Forest Holme Hospice that you haven’t been satisfied with, please let us know as soon as possible.

The Trust is committed to working with you to undertake an open and thorough investigation into your concerns and achieving a satisfactory resolution. However, we recognise that making a complaint can be difficult and so we want to ensure you have the right level of information and support throughout the process.

Contacting us

UHD: or telephone 0300 019 8499

If you prefer, you can write to Jenny Williams, Head of Patient Experience, or alternatively, to the Trust’s Chief Executive, Debbie Fleming, at the address below.

Patient Experience Centre
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust
Poole Hospital
Longfleet Road
BH15 2JB

If you would like help to write your complaint, you can also contact an independent complaints advocacy service who can provide you with free, confidential and independent advice. The Advocacy People: Telephone 0330 440 9000, or email to:

You can also choose to raise your complaint with Dorset CCG or NHS England.

For further information and to find out more about What Happens Next after a complaint has been submitted, please visit here

The Charity

Forest Holme Hospice Charity strives to adhere to best practice with its fundraising activities and provide its supporters with the best possible customer service in a polite, approachable, timely and professional manner. If you have any concerns surrounding our fundraising methods or have not received this level of service, then please don’t hesitate to contact the Chief Executive in the first instance on 01202 670644 to discuss your concerns.

We take complaints very seriously and follow procedures to ensure that any complaint is dealt with positively and efficiently. A copy of our complaints policy can be downloaded here.

If having contacted the Charity you are still unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, or how it has been handled, please contact the Fundraising Regulator with your concerns or to seek further guidance. Their contact details are:

Fundraising Regulator, 2nd Floor, Mezzanine Building, 49-51 East Road, London, N1 6AH

Telephone: 0300 999 3407

It is very important to us as an organisation to make sure we are providing an excellent level of service, so we welcome both positive and negative feedback to ensure that Forest Holme Hospice Charity operates to the best of its abilities. Thank you for taking the time to help improve our services.

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