Patients and Families
How we support you
Care at Home
Our community specialist palliative care team based at Forest Holme Hospice can support you at home, or in nursing homes or residential care homes. Our team of specialist palliative care nurses link with GP surgeries across Poole, Wimborne, Cranborne, and the Isle of Purbeck.
Care in Hospital
Forest Holme Hospice has a hospital palliative care team comprising of specialist palliative care nurses and facilitators in end-of-life care who support patients within Poole Hospital.
Community Hospitals are supported by the community specialist palliative care team.
Care on the Ward
Forest Holme Hospice has eleven beds, enabling us to provide expert care to people with advanced disease-causing complex problems. Nursing care is tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences.
Outpatients Clinic
There is clinic room space at Forest Holme. Clinics are held during week days you will be seen either by your consultant, Speciality Dr or specialist nurse.
Palliative Care Advice Line
We offer a 24 hour telephone advice line for patients, relatives and healthcare professionals.
Your query will be answered by a specialist nurse or an experienced ward nurse in the first instance, with support from the medical team as required.