Palliative Care Outpatient Clinics
Palliative Care Outpatient Clinics
There is clinic room space at Forest Holme. Clinics are held during week days you will be seen either by your consultant, Speciality Dr or specialist nurse.
Medical appointments in a relaxed setting
Doctor clinics are usually arranged via the specialist palliative care nurse in the community or hospital palliative care team, or your GP or Hospital Consultant. An appointment can usually be arranged within a few days if needed.
Initial appointments last up to an hour to provide a relaxed setting in which to discuss any concerns you may have. Follow up appointments, if needed, usually last up to half an hour.
It is helpful if you could bring any medication you are taking, in case any adjustments are needed.
What happens after a clinic visit?
Following the clinic visit, a letter is sent to your GP and hospital consultant as appropriate. You may wish to receive a copy of the letter – if so, please let us know when you attend the appointment.
“Better breathing” clinics and Day Hospice are provided by Lewis-Manning Hospice. Many people access both Forest Holme Hospice and Lewis-Manning Hospice. Your specialist palliative care nurse can advise what support is available and liaise with the relevant teams.
If you would like to speak to someone about a clinic appointment, please telephone 0300 019 8118 for assistance.